Our Dreams
Waking Dream
For the first time I met the man who would become my husband. I returned home and immediately sketched these images onto a large canvas.
This is the drawing, far right below, a spiral with the vessel as its center.
The serpentine line leading to the vessel is analogous to the uterus, the centre, the life-giving, creative vessel, the elixer vitae.
Dream of the Sabra / one
H 36"X W 48"
Original mixed media, found images, pencil drawing with acrylic and oil paints (in collection of the artist)
H 40" x W 53.5"
UV Matte Plexi-Sandwiched HD Print on Resin-Coated Paper
$5,000. Limited Edition of 4
Fine art prints on archival watercolor paper
$1,500. Limited Edition of 4
Dream of the Sabra /two
H 10" X W 15"
Distressed photo of original mixed media-found images, pencil drawing with acrylic and oil paints
(in collection of the artist)
Same size - High Definition print under 1/2” clear plexi
H 30” x W 45”
High Definition print under 1/2” clear plexi
In this waking dream, lifted and transmitted from my sub-conscious the uterus is surrounded by the spiral, the symbol of indirect approach by means of the circumambulation.
At all events the spiral emphasizes the centre and hence the uterus, which is a synonym frequently employed for the ... serpent (p.176) With the primeval forest we meet the anima (p.174) The uterus is the centre, the life-giving vessel. ...
The Portable Jung- Carl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell
Waking Dream/Elixir Vitae
Original pencil drawing, mixed media with oil and acrylic on stretched canvas, framed
H 66" x W 42"
Fine art prints on archival watercolor paper
$4,500. Limited Edition of 4